Save your custom tool settings as presets

Yes, there are two ways you can custom-set Photoshop tools. One option is to set the tool options while no documents are open. This changes the tool settings for all subsequent documents until you reset the tool defaults. Another option is to create custom tool presets. This allows you save multiple settings, as well as share them with other Photoshop users.

To create a custom tool preset:
  1. Launch Photoshop and choose Window > Tool Presets to display the Tool Presets panel.
  2. Select the tool you want to customize from the Tools panel.
  3. Set your tool's options on the tool options bar as you like.
  4. Choose New Tool Preset from the Tool Presets panel's pop-up menu.
  5. In the resulting dialog box, give your tool a descriptive name and, depending on your preference, select or deselect the Include Color check box. Click OK.
Now, the next time you need to use that tool with those settings, all you have to do is select it from the Tool Presets paenl or the Tool Preset picker, which you access via the tool options bar.

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