Eight time-saving Excel shortcuts

Excel has lots of useful shortcut keys that perform various actions. The more you know, the more time you can save. Here are seven shortcuts we hope you find useful:
To enter the current date into the active cell, press [Ctrl];.

To enter the current time, press [Ctrl][Shift];.

To enter or edit a cell comment in the active cell, press [Shift][F2].

To quickly copy an entry into a cell directly to the right, select that cell, then press [Ctrl]R.

To quickly copy an entry into a cell directly below it, select that cell, then press [Ctrl]D.

To copy an entry from a cell directly above the active cell, you can press [Ctrl]'. If the entry is a formula, this shortcut makes an identical copy of that formula, rather than adjusting the cell reference relatively.

Pressing [Ctrl][Shift]' also copies an entry from the cell directly above the active cell. However, if the entry is a formula, this shortcut copies the result of the formula only rather than the formula itself.

An easy way to view all formulas in a worksheet without having to select the cell containing it is to press [Ctrl]~. Press the shortcut again to switch back to the normal view.

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