Rule 1
KISS(Keep it simple stupid)
Rule 2
Take advice, you never know too much that you can’t take the advice of others, look at other magazines, newsletters etc, and especially, the rest of this list…
Rule 3
Determine what kind of document you’re producing. If we can break it down into two kinds:
… you have to read me, so it really doesn’t matter how I make it look, and I don’t give a damn anyway…
… please read me, I have something to offer and I hope you’ll take the time to read on…
for those with the first kind of document, just stop reading now, for others…
Rule 4
Is it a formal or informal document?
Formal documents need to be well structured, look as if they mean what they say, keep them consistant in terms of fonts and layout… be businesslike
Informal documents can be looser, make them inviting, choose an informal (optima etc) font, lots of white space. Make the reader want to read on.
Rule 5
There are a number of socially correct mechanisms to make sure that whatever type of document you are producing looks good …
One font for body text and one for headline text …
Never put more that one space between words, especially after punctuation. …
Respect other languages, use the correct accents when appropriate …
use the correct quotation marks (not feet and inches symbols) …
be consistant with paragraph spacing (first line indent, inter paragraph gap) …
not too much hyphenation (if any) …
beware of widows and orphans…
respect your reader
Rule 6
Select an appropriate format for the type of document you are producing. A5 booklet, A4 report, A3 broadsheet etc.
Rule 7
Consider the reproduction mechanism. …
If you are photocopying the end document, beware of the limitation of tints on any specific photocopier (hint: fine tints smudge on some copiers) …
Professional printing of the final document: choose your paper with care, ask the advice of your local printer (print office) before getting too deep in the production process. If they have preferences regarding the tools they use for preparation of documents, consider them (ie Pagemaker etc).
Rule 8
Keep backups (copies) of items as you go along, make sure that you have copies of all documents (pictures, logos, main document etc) well secure. Sodd’s law will ensure that something untoward happens in the last hour of your deadline.
Rule 9
Having selected a publication format, edit to that format, not the other way around. Do not try and make the format fit the pieces…
Rule 10
Remember Rule 1