Placing Graphics

There are tons of tips and tricks you can take advantage of while placing images. Here are a few of my favorites:

In the Place dialog box, hold shift while you click Open to show Image Import Options and allow you to set the visibility of layers, apply cropping and clipping paths, assign color profiles, etc.

When you are placing several images at once, you can see thumbnail previews and the number of images remaining to be placed at your cursorUse your arrow keys to change which image gets placed next.

If you decide you don't want to place one of the images in your loaded place cursor, press esc to remove it.

You can add more images to your loaded place cursor by pressing cmd+d/ctrl+d to re-open the Place dialog box.

If you're not sure which image is foremost in your loaded place cursor, go to the Links panel. You can see all the info for all the images in your cursor, with the foremost one highlighted.

To replace an image already in your layout, hold option/alt and click on the image with your loaded place cursor.

If you accidentally place an image where you don't want it, just undo to put it back in your cursor so you can place it elsewhere.

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